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26-may-23 j4g.useWith(GDLJUG, month = "May")

Uy uy uy!!! Se nos armo en serio, este mes se viene bueno y sin freno, la pandilla del GDL JUG nos invito a tener una noche bohemia juntos y hemos decidido aceptar la invitacion. Por eso mismo, este mes tendremos una gran colaboracion con ellos para tener dos grandes platicas que veniamos buscandoles espacio desde hace meses!!! Un invitado especial de j4G que algunos de ustedes ya conocen pero que ansiábamos poder tener en horario estelar y un mismisimo Java Champion traido a tierras tapatias para este magno evento! *************** NOTA IMPORTANTE, POR LA MAGNITUD DE LAS CHARLAS, ESTE MES EL MEETUP SERA MAYORMENTE EN INGLES, ASI QUE PREPARADOS! *************** --------- PostgreSQL, The Time-Series Database You Want Time-series data, or data being associated with its respective time of occurrence, is everywhere. From the obvious cases, such as metrics, observability, IoT data, all the way to logs, invoicing, or payment records. While storing some of these in relational databases is standard practice, people often reach for specific time-series databases when volume gets high. But imagine if you could have all of them in the same database: PostgreSQL. Join me for this session to learn more about the different types of time-series data and have a look at the naive, the native, and the scalable approaches to storing it in PostgreSQL. We’ll contrast their usability and performance characteristics and show you why Postgres is the only database you need! -> Christoph Engelbert is a developer by heart, with strong bonds to the open source world. As a seasoned speaker on international conferences, he loves to share his experience and ideas, especially in the areas of scalable system architectures and back-end technologies, as well as all things programming languages. < > < > < > < > < > Reconciling Object-Oriented and Functional Programming: the Scala way Scala first emerged around 2004 and was born out of a pragmatic desire to reconcile object-oriented and functional programming, well before functional programming managed to become more ubiquitous in mainstream languages. Rather than sprinkling in FP features, Scala takes a somewhat uncompromising and head-on approach that has inevitable led to a language that appears rather complex and daunting at first sight. Yet, Scala has enjoyed interest and adaption from big tech companies, such as Netflix, Twitter, Uber, and many others, having carved its niche in areas such as big data analysis & processing. In its most recent incarnation (Scala 3), efforts have been made to moreover simplify and modernise certain aspects of the language. In this talk, we will take a deeper look at Scala 3 and its approach to combining functional and object-oriented programming. I will also remind the audience what, in essence, functional programming entails, beyond treating functions as first-class values. I.e., considering type systems, type classes, pattern matching, monadic structures, and the way functional programmers in general tend to tackle design. A direct comparison of an ML vs Scala 3 implementation of the data model for a tiny processor instruction set (James Bowman's Forth CPU core for FPGA) will be used as a vehicle for discussion. Lastly, I shall try to put Scala 3 into perspective with other and perhaps more popular JVM languages such as Java & Kotlin, and review why Scala may still be relevant despite those languages having concurrently involved into a more functional direction. -> Frank Zeyda works as an Independent Consultant for rigorous engineering, model-based design, and implementation of hardware and software systems. His prior academic contributions have largely focused on the application of formal techniques to model software & systems behaviour across several application domains, as well as semantic theories and their embedding into automatic theorem provers to carry out formal verification of models and programs. In industry, he as worked predominately in the area of testing and verification of safety-critical embedded systems that must adhere to stringent certification standards such as DO-178C in avionics. He takes a keen interest in advocating and helping to transition novel verification technology to improve the status quo of how we develop digital systems and software nowadays and in the future. --------- Este mes contamos con el apoyo de Zoolatech que han estado al pendiente de cuantas cheves y desde que hora deben estar frias, gracias por el apoyo a ellos y al equipo que ha estado al pendiente de la comunidad!! Nos vemos el proximo Viernes 26 de Mayo (Si! Este mes sera en Viernes, es una ocasion especial)

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