La presentación introducirá una idea: puedes usar tus conocimientos técnicos y habilidades actuales para contribuir a resolver problemas sociales en tu ciudad y en las ciudades de América del Sur. Obtenga la perspectiva de un atacante que prefiere enfrentar directamente el desafío y resolverlo. Puntos principales de la presentación:
La civic tech y su historia.
Ejemplos exitosos de cambio.
Cómo comenzar su viaje y oportunidades (Claudia Valladares).
Temas a estudiar en América del Sur (contexto regional) con enfoque en los ODS (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible).
Un caso real y su implementación.
About our Speakers:
- Claudia Valladares: Director and co-founder of the Impact Hub Cracas and member of the Board of Directors of the Impact Hub. She is known for promoting and making the Technovation Challenge possible in Venezuela and was named “Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2010” by the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship of the World Economic Forum and by the Venezuela Sin Limites Foundation, among many other international recognitions.
- Nathaly Toledo Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Nathaly Toledo is a freelance software developer who represents the top 10% of talent on Upwork, a GitHub Campus Expert and ambassador for UoPeople, and a member of the Impact Hub Caracas, a network for entrepreneurs with an interest in having a social impact. She has a technical background as a mid-level graduate in computer science and started her journey with the Technovation Challenge. After graduating, she collaborated with several international startups and started dedicating her time to studying to become a professional software engineer. She has volunteered with Develop for Good, won the Technovation Challenge Venezuela 2018, won 2 scholarships as a Latin American young leader with LALA, and recently became a LiFT scholar.
