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14-Mar-23 WIA-SA Book Club

Foto del escritor: ReclunautasReclunautas

December discussion book “Lead without Blame: Building Resilient Learning Teams” by Diana Larsen, Tricia Broderick. Please read on! *** We're still on Zoom, but looking to go hybrid *** We're looking for participation in a grand experiment to take WIA-SA Book Club hybrid. None of these roles is intended as a single person, i.e., we'll share out the responsibilities, but please contact Emily or Linda:

  • if you'd like to be on the program (book selection) committee

  • if you're interested in being a scribe to capture what we discover

  • If you have a lead on a venue in the San Antonio area for our hybrid meetings

We'll continue to be zoom-driven until we find a venue, so if you know of a place, please speak up! Discussion Notes for this and all our books may be found here. Notes are open to comment by anyone (please do!) and you'll also find how to get the READING LIST for possible future books.

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